Today Jack Joseph Alberts was born. He was 8 pounds, 7.6 ounces and 19.5 inches long. He's adorable...seriously! Mom and dad are doing well and daddy was even brave enough to watch baby Jack being delivered during the c-section. He said it was both weird and amazing to watch. They were definitely surrounded by love as family and close friends came to the hospital to meet (and hold) baby Jack for the very first time. I think I only heard him cry once in the whole time that I was up there and he loves to suck his thumb...it's sooo cute!!! The hospital room is very small, which is unfortunate since Adam and Christa are so very popular, but the staff were really considerate and brought as many chairs as they could find to the room for people to sit in...it still wasn't enough, so we also took shifts in the waiting room. I really do think that babies are a little piece of heaven. I remember feeling that way about Emma, too, it's for sure a time that I felt God's presence in an amazing way. Maybe it's because you truly have to marvel at the miracle of this little human being that was in someone's belly just a little bit ago and is now on the outside, and perfect in everyway. Maybe it's because God reveals Himself in those moments...or maybe it's because babies really do bring a bit of heaven to us. I'm so glad that everyone is happy and healthy and that Jack's finally here!!! The only thing missing was Julie....