Wednesday, December 09, 2009

why i'm excited to *not* be in our christmas production...

so this year i decided, that if i wasn't needed, i wasn't going to be involved in the christmas program. i wasn't needed, so i'm sitting this one out. and i'm excited! let me tell you why...
*i'm excited that after more than a decade of doing tech or being on stage for a production, i'm able to invite friends and c0-workers and actually sit with them if/when they come. i'm also surprised at the genuine interest of the people that i've invited. no one has guaranteed that they'll be there, but i'm praying about it and think they will :)
*i'm excited to see a production from start to finish on opening night for the first time! i'm EXCITED!!! instead of knowing every line and cue by heart it will all be fresh and new.
*i'm also excited that during this time i've been focusing on God and haven't been crazy busy. i've been reading my Bible like a crazy and digging into the good stuff. alot of times i lose him in the preparation for celebrating him. my own fault, totally, but the truth.
*stress. the best run christmas production comes with stress. i'll admit i miss it just a little bit, but i'm also happy to have this break from it.
*i'm excited because i know that whether i'm a part of something or not, it's going to be amazing! i know that people will be blown away by the talent and the excellence that people who have volunteered their time will be pouring out on that stage, and in the booth, for the performances!!
*i'm excited to be a part of easter! i'm excited to be renewed after my break from christmas and ready to take on any crazy transition filled monster of a production anyone throws my way!!

i admit that the nights of the performances i might realize that i miss being a part of the action more than i thought i would. i may be in my seat just dying to be in the choir or forcing myself to not sneak into the tech booth. i kind of hope i am, but for now i'm content with the choice that i made :)

o...the production is called Nativity on the Square. it's this saturday and sunday at 6 p.m. and if you want to come i can sit with you!

Sunday, June 21, 2009


When we were at Willow God totally used a song to reveal a little more of Himself and His love for me. We had been praying just before that and the words of the song washed over me, saying exactly what my heart had been trying so hard to express. Afterwards, I couldn't remember the words to the song, but remembered totally what I had been praying. Now, I know the words to the song (thank you google), but have forgotten exactly what I was praying. What I do remember is that it reflected the heart of the song soooo precisely that I felt as though I had been given a gift. As if God were saying...I know exactly what you listen to this...and I melted in that moment. Melted in the arms of my Love and my Savior. Melted in a way that I hadn't in far too long of a time. And now, even though my precise words are caught in the heart of my Lord and only vaguely remembered by me, when I hear that song it's a reminder of that moment....and my heart melts again.

Brooke Fraser

If to distant lands I scatter
If I sail to farthest seas
Would You find and firm and gather
'Til I only dwell in Thee
If I flee from greenest pastures
Would You leave to look for me
Forfeit glory to come after
'Til I only dwell in Thee
If my heart has one ambition
If my soul one goal to seek
This my solitary vision
'Til I only dwell in Thee
That I only dwell in Thee
'Til I only dwell in Thee

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Random Thoughts/Observations from Jury Duty

*Detroit is a confusing place to drive...too many one ways.
*It's far less busy then downtown Chicago!
*There were 2 people there in jeans.
*There were 4 cute guys without wedding rings on. (out of 150 people)
*People thrown together randomly have funny conversations!
*I like a man in uniform.
*The guy working the x-ray machine was cute.
*The Baliff had a lisp.
*We were watching Men in Black.
*There was a lady there that was laughing like she'd never ever seen any sort of funny in her life at Men in Black.
*I spent $9 on a magazine, a granola bar, a pack of gum and a Fiji water.
*Google maps on my Blackberry is not enough to get this direction challenged girl around.
*There was some rumbling about when our group was pulled. I think that may be why we were dismissed.
*The informational video they show has the most boring music ever.
*My shoes were comfortable even though they're stilettos :)
*You are allowed to have big purses....some people even had back packs!!!
*My phone was lonely in the car....okay...I was lonely with out my phone...I have an unhealthy attachment....I am addicted to my Crackberry.
*The lady that read through the informational sheet was funny :) I was glad that she put an effort into being fun even when no one wanted to be there.
*They had pizza cooking at 9 a.m. (eeeeewwww)

I feel like there was more....if I remember anything I'll add it later!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

See.Organize.Intentional., this link ( was going around a lot at the beginning of the year and I finally took the time to sit down and think about what I wanted my words to be. They no particular order...See, Organize and Intentional. To go into a bit more detail....
See: I want to see God bigger than I see Him now. See His creation and truly appreciate it. See myself as as He sees me. See His people as He sees them. See the world around me the way that God sees it. See people for who they really are and not just the fronts that we tend to put on. See hurts and needs as close as the people right next to me and as far as across the world. See how what I say and do effects other people.
Organized: I lose SOOOOOO much time looking for and often never finding things I need and know are "here somewhere". I will learn that "organized" is not a bad word. I also lose money replacing things I can't find because of my lack of organization. I can be so much more effective if/when my life is organized.
Intentional: I want to be intentional about where and how I spend my time. Even down to who I spend it with. Not just time, but money as well. I want to be intentional about where my money is going-am I being wasteful? Am I buying things I need or just accumulating stuff? I need to be intentional about the words that are coming out of my mouth. I also want to be intentional about follow through. I have a horrible habit of getting all fired up about something, running my mouth and then doing absolutely nothing about it. I need to be intentional about making changes and making sure they are kept.
Sooo...those are my goals summed up in three words. If you read this, then you know me and I give you permission to hold me accountable to these things.