Sunday, January 18, 2009

See.Organize.Intentional., this link ( was going around a lot at the beginning of the year and I finally took the time to sit down and think about what I wanted my words to be. They no particular order...See, Organize and Intentional. To go into a bit more detail....
See: I want to see God bigger than I see Him now. See His creation and truly appreciate it. See myself as as He sees me. See His people as He sees them. See the world around me the way that God sees it. See people for who they really are and not just the fronts that we tend to put on. See hurts and needs as close as the people right next to me and as far as across the world. See how what I say and do effects other people.
Organized: I lose SOOOOOO much time looking for and often never finding things I need and know are "here somewhere". I will learn that "organized" is not a bad word. I also lose money replacing things I can't find because of my lack of organization. I can be so much more effective if/when my life is organized.
Intentional: I want to be intentional about where and how I spend my time. Even down to who I spend it with. Not just time, but money as well. I want to be intentional about where my money is going-am I being wasteful? Am I buying things I need or just accumulating stuff? I need to be intentional about the words that are coming out of my mouth. I also want to be intentional about follow through. I have a horrible habit of getting all fired up about something, running my mouth and then doing absolutely nothing about it. I need to be intentional about making changes and making sure they are kept.
Sooo...those are my goals summed up in three words. If you read this, then you know me and I give you permission to hold me accountable to these things.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Checking in with you to see how this is going for you... on track?