Wednesday, December 31, 2008

*Happy New Year*

Soooo....I totally had one of those moments tonight. You know the one I'm talking about. The one you see in a movie where everyone else is moving in slow motion and one person looks around the room and is amazed by the people they're surrounded by....that one. As we karaoked our way into 2009, I gazed at people that I love and cherish in my life...many were missing...but there were enough of them there to bring to mind memories that created that moment. These are the people that choose to share their life with me and I choose to share mine with them. The joys and the hurts, the laughter and the tears, the hopes and disappointments...all of it. And even when things don't go right or we're upset with each other...we still love each other and would do anything for one another. There's not a lot more a girl could ask for.

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