Thursday, October 09, 2008

it happened again...

...another year flew by and I'm now another year older. But hopefully that's not all that's different. I hope that I'm a little more loving, a little more benevolent, more mature (in a good way) and more sure of who I am than I was at this time last year. I hope that I'm more patient, offer more grace to others and love God more than I ever have before. I want to never stop growing, never stop moving, never stop being challenged or being challenging ;) I want to think of others more highly than myself (hard), be financially responsible (harder?) and not live a shallow life filled with petty details. I want my life to count. To matter. To mean something. At the end of the day I want to know that what I've done...what I've given...what I've said...whatever it may have been really effected the people around me in a positive way. In a Godly way. I want people to see God in me. Whether they recognize that it's him at first or not, I want them to see him in my life. In my love. In my actions. In my words. A little more each day. A lot more each year. I hope. I want. I pray.

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