Sunday, July 22, 2007


We live in a disposable society. Everything, from the cleaning wipes for the bathroom to shoes you got on sale for 5 bucks and are only going to wear for a season to relationships. Friendships, marriages, whatever....having problems? Can't get along? Didn't realize that you're just not compatible? No problem....just toss it aside. Remember when things used to actually have meaning? Remember when forever meant forever? Remember when people kept their promises? Remember when people had disagreements, but at the end of the day still knew that they loved each other and had faith enough in each other to continue their relationship? To give their love another chance? To know that love is love even when you don't "feel" it? To know that it's more than a feeling, it's actually an action? It breaks my heart to see so many couples who make it to the "it's too hard" stage and give up. Or when one gives up and the other person is left there holding onto...well, in the end they're holding on to nothing. Nobody promises marriage or relationships or any sort of dealing with people will be easy, but when you make a commitment to someone it should mean something...otherwise, why are you doing it to begin with? I pray for people that will be an example to this generation of a family that stays together no matter what. That shows that even though it's not always easy, and there will be rough times, it IS possible to have a Godly, loving marriage where both people are loved and respected by each other. God, rebuild your family. Restore your children to a place where we can build each other up and support each other. Help us to honor one another and to realize that friendships, families, marriages....none of these things are disposable, but so very important.

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