Sunday, August 05, 2007

It's not about you....

...and it's not about me. So many times we offer our help to a person or a situation and then when it doesn't turn out the way we want it to, when we don't get the job or maybe the appreciation that we expected, we turn and run. That's not what it's about though!! It's not about what you or I can get from a person we've offered our aid to, but what we can give to that person. It's not about warm fuzzies or doing the easy work, it's about truly being a good friend...stepping up and getting messy in the thick of life with others and doing it willingly and cheerfully! We live like we want our lives to be all me all the time, but we know that's not right. We know that's when we feel the worst, the most empty and the most alone. So, live to help others and be genuine in your offers :)

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