Wednesday, December 09, 2009

why i'm excited to *not* be in our christmas production...

so this year i decided, that if i wasn't needed, i wasn't going to be involved in the christmas program. i wasn't needed, so i'm sitting this one out. and i'm excited! let me tell you why...
*i'm excited that after more than a decade of doing tech or being on stage for a production, i'm able to invite friends and c0-workers and actually sit with them if/when they come. i'm also surprised at the genuine interest of the people that i've invited. no one has guaranteed that they'll be there, but i'm praying about it and think they will :)
*i'm excited to see a production from start to finish on opening night for the first time! i'm EXCITED!!! instead of knowing every line and cue by heart it will all be fresh and new.
*i'm also excited that during this time i've been focusing on God and haven't been crazy busy. i've been reading my Bible like a crazy and digging into the good stuff. alot of times i lose him in the preparation for celebrating him. my own fault, totally, but the truth.
*stress. the best run christmas production comes with stress. i'll admit i miss it just a little bit, but i'm also happy to have this break from it.
*i'm excited because i know that whether i'm a part of something or not, it's going to be amazing! i know that people will be blown away by the talent and the excellence that people who have volunteered their time will be pouring out on that stage, and in the booth, for the performances!!
*i'm excited to be a part of easter! i'm excited to be renewed after my break from christmas and ready to take on any crazy transition filled monster of a production anyone throws my way!!

i admit that the nights of the performances i might realize that i miss being a part of the action more than i thought i would. i may be in my seat just dying to be in the choir or forcing myself to not sneak into the tech booth. i kind of hope i am, but for now i'm content with the choice that i made :)

o...the production is called Nativity on the Square. it's this saturday and sunday at 6 p.m. and if you want to come i can sit with you!


Robeena said...

I'm sure it's lovely to take a break. You'll be a little itchy to get in there, but remember that it's good to break. You'll dive back in for Easter.

Brittany said...

I completely understand! I do admit, it'd be fun if you were in the choir.. but I understand and am glad you're happy with your decision. I always contemplate doing something, like a production, then think I'll miss something if I don't do it! Haha.. one of these days I'll be sitting watching, like you will be doing this year!
I'll be looking for you in the audience :)
