How many times will I submit myself to your lies? To your words that flood over me and overwhelm me with insecurity and fear. How many times will I sing words to songs that I obviously don't believe as I let control a part of me that you are not worthy of. You are not worthy of any part of me. Yet, I listen to your whispers....telling me to bottle it up, don't let Him know. Your failures, your fears, your'll only be mocked or made to feel like less than who you are. Protect yourself. Hide yourself...don't show your true self...what if...what if you're not loved? What if you're not liked? What if they don't think you're pretty enough or good enough? What if...what if...what if...what if....
I'm tired of the what if's!! I've had it with them....
I am chosen. I am loved. I am secure in that love. The One who loves me gave His all for me....what more could I ask of him? How much more would He need to do to prove His love? Nothing...absolutely nothing and I'd be a fool to ask Him to do anymore. So, no more of your more of believing that I am anything less than a daughter of the Most High God. Redeemed and bought with a price. Unworthy because of who I am, but worthy because of His sacrifice. My faults and failures are covered in His blood...covered in His love and they no longer leave a stain on who I am. I am being transformed...becoming new...and God loves me! He is for me. He is for me!!
God- help me to listen to you....let your voice be the loudest in my ears and in my heart. Help me believe what you say, what you've said in your word and to bring my whole self to you in everything. My hurts, my heartaches, my irrationalism, my broken pieces... everything! You created me, you love me and you are my healer, my Savior, my Lord and I give myself to you.
Psalm 13:5-6 But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. 6 I will sing to the LORD, for he has been good to me.
Psalm 16
1 Keep me safe, O God,
for in you I take refuge.
2 I said to the LORD, "You are my Lord;
apart from you I have no good thing."
3 As for the saints who are in the land,
they are the glorious ones in whom is all my delight.
4 The sorrows of those will increase
who run after other gods.
I will not pour out their libations of blood
or take up their names on my lips.
5 LORD, you have assigned me my portion and my cup;
you have made my lot secure.
6 The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
surely I have a delightful inheritance.
7 I will praise the LORD, who counsels me;
even at night my heart instructs me.
8 I have set the LORD always before me.
Because he is at my right hand,
I will not be shaken.
9 Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices;
my body also will rest secure,
10 because you will not abandon me to the grave,
nor will you let your Holy One see decay.
11 You have made known to me the path of life;
you will fill me with joy in your presence,
with eternal pleasures at your right hand.
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Thursday, August 23, 2007
stuck in the middle....and Lush....and other stuff....
Sitting in my car driving home I noticed that to my left there were storm clouds with lightening bouncing back and forth between the clouds. To my right was a clear sky and a waxing moon. It was really cool to see completely opposite things depending on which way I turned my head. Of course...I looked mostly in front of me so I didn't run into anything!
Christie and I went to the Lush store for a party last Saturday. We were entered into a drawing and I won!!! I never win anything! I'm very excited about it!!! I went to pick up my prize on Tuesday night and I got Almond and Coconut Smoothie (shower, I don't know....shower stuff... not gel, but you use it in the shower...did I mention it's for the shower? Actually, I used it to shave the shower...and it worked very nicely) and some stuff called Big Calm (this is like a jellie and you keep it in the fridge or freezer and then use it in the shower... I'm a bit weirded out by it. Have not used it yet...not sure when I will.) and last but not least a bath melt called Candy smells deliciuos and I'm excited to use it!! If you've never checked out Lush, you's like a little piece of heaven full of delicious smelling, all natural, soaps, bath bombs/melts/bars/bubbles, shampoos, conditioners and lotions. It's definitely good times!
We also went to Build a Bear and built bears :) That is totally one of my favorite things to do!! I made my bear for Kelly to take to England with her and Christie helped me come up with the name "Loo" for him. He's dressed in a soccer uniform because it was the only thing that said USA on it in the whole store....also "football" is really big in England, so it will be a good in for her ;) Christie made a bear too and named him Mr. Bear....but I think she's changing it to Sparky. He's dressed in a Tiger uniform and can be seen this Sunday on the Creative Arts table helping us sell tickets to the game on September 10th! It was a very fun day!!! :)
I'm listening to a podcast Bible study on Song of Solomon right now and it's really good. I found out about it when we went to Willow and looked it up. If you're interested, you can find it on itunes by doing a search for church of Wrigleyville. I've never heard a teaching on that book, so I was fascinated to hear what they taught from it. It's really opened my eyes...I've read SOS before, but there's stuff that they've said that I've never known before. Like...did you know that some of it is a dream being described? Did you know that the woman in the story is insecure in her beauty? Did you know that back in the day saying a woman's hair flowed like a herd of goats coming down a mountain was a compliment?'s good stuff...and I'm learning alot about the book, about myself, and about God. I mean...he speaks to us in our insecurities through this amazing love story.
That's all I have to say for now...
Christie and I went to the Lush store for a party last Saturday. We were entered into a drawing and I won!!! I never win anything! I'm very excited about it!!! I went to pick up my prize on Tuesday night and I got Almond and Coconut Smoothie (shower, I don't know....shower stuff... not gel, but you use it in the shower...did I mention it's for the shower? Actually, I used it to shave the shower...and it worked very nicely) and some stuff called Big Calm (this is like a jellie and you keep it in the fridge or freezer and then use it in the shower... I'm a bit weirded out by it. Have not used it yet...not sure when I will.) and last but not least a bath melt called Candy smells deliciuos and I'm excited to use it!! If you've never checked out Lush, you's like a little piece of heaven full of delicious smelling, all natural, soaps, bath bombs/melts/bars/bubbles, shampoos, conditioners and lotions. It's definitely good times!
We also went to Build a Bear and built bears :) That is totally one of my favorite things to do!! I made my bear for Kelly to take to England with her and Christie helped me come up with the name "Loo" for him. He's dressed in a soccer uniform because it was the only thing that said USA on it in the whole store....also "football" is really big in England, so it will be a good in for her ;) Christie made a bear too and named him Mr. Bear....but I think she's changing it to Sparky. He's dressed in a Tiger uniform and can be seen this Sunday on the Creative Arts table helping us sell tickets to the game on September 10th! It was a very fun day!!! :)
I'm listening to a podcast Bible study on Song of Solomon right now and it's really good. I found out about it when we went to Willow and looked it up. If you're interested, you can find it on itunes by doing a search for church of Wrigleyville. I've never heard a teaching on that book, so I was fascinated to hear what they taught from it. It's really opened my eyes...I've read SOS before, but there's stuff that they've said that I've never known before. Like...did you know that some of it is a dream being described? Did you know that the woman in the story is insecure in her beauty? Did you know that back in the day saying a woman's hair flowed like a herd of goats coming down a mountain was a compliment?'s good stuff...and I'm learning alot about the book, about myself, and about God. I mean...he speaks to us in our insecurities through this amazing love story.
That's all I have to say for now...
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Would you...
*I've been made fun of for not posting as much as some people want me, here's a repeat. You've probably never seen it it's new to you*
Would you follow a god because he feeds you? Would that be enough? Would you follow a god because he scares you? Is that what you want? Would you follow a god because everyone else does? Do you have no confidence to make your own decisions? Would you follow a God that loves you? A God who pursues you? A God that never stops whispering your name? A God that gave everything for you and is still giving as we make our demands in our disbelief? Would you follow a God who never gives up on you? Who so intimately knows you and still longs to be with you? Would you follow that God? Would you follow God?
Would you follow a god because he feeds you? Would that be enough? Would you follow a god because he scares you? Is that what you want? Would you follow a god because everyone else does? Do you have no confidence to make your own decisions? Would you follow a God that loves you? A God who pursues you? A God that never stops whispering your name? A God that gave everything for you and is still giving as we make our demands in our disbelief? Would you follow a God who never gives up on you? Who so intimately knows you and still longs to be with you? Would you follow that God? Would you follow God?
Sunday, August 05, 2007
It's not about you....
...and it's not about me. So many times we offer our help to a person or a situation and then when it doesn't turn out the way we want it to, when we don't get the job or maybe the appreciation that we expected, we turn and run. That's not what it's about though!! It's not about what you or I can get from a person we've offered our aid to, but what we can give to that person. It's not about warm fuzzies or doing the easy work, it's about truly being a good friend...stepping up and getting messy in the thick of life with others and doing it willingly and cheerfully! We live like we want our lives to be all me all the time, but we know that's not right. We know that's when we feel the worst, the most empty and the most alone. So, live to help others and be genuine in your offers :)
Thursday, July 26, 2007
a little piece of heaven

Today Jack Joseph Alberts was born. He was 8 pounds, 7.6 ounces and 19.5 inches long. He's adorable...seriously! Mom and dad are doing well and daddy was even brave enough to watch baby Jack being delivered during the c-section. He said it was both weird and amazing to watch. They were definitely surrounded by love as family and close friends came to the hospital to meet (and hold) baby Jack for the very first time. I think I only heard him cry once in the whole time that I was up there and he loves to suck his's sooo cute!!! The hospital room is very small, which is unfortunate since Adam and Christa are so very popular, but the staff were really considerate and brought as many chairs as they could find to the room for people to sit still wasn't enough, so we also took shifts in the waiting room. I really do think that babies are a little piece of heaven. I remember feeling that way about Emma, too, it's for sure a time that I felt God's presence in an amazing way. Maybe it's because you truly have to marvel at the miracle of this little human being that was in someone's belly just a little bit ago and is now on the outside, and perfect in everyway. Maybe it's because God reveals Himself in those moments...or maybe it's because babies really do bring a bit of heaven to us. I'm so glad that everyone is happy and healthy and that Jack's finally here!!! The only thing missing was Julie....
Sunday, July 22, 2007
We live in a disposable society. Everything, from the cleaning wipes for the bathroom to shoes you got on sale for 5 bucks and are only going to wear for a season to relationships. Friendships, marriages, whatever....having problems? Can't get along? Didn't realize that you're just not compatible? No problem....just toss it aside. Remember when things used to actually have meaning? Remember when forever meant forever? Remember when people kept their promises? Remember when people had disagreements, but at the end of the day still knew that they loved each other and had faith enough in each other to continue their relationship? To give their love another chance? To know that love is love even when you don't "feel" it? To know that it's more than a feeling, it's actually an action? It breaks my heart to see so many couples who make it to the "it's too hard" stage and give up. Or when one gives up and the other person is left there holding onto...well, in the end they're holding on to nothing. Nobody promises marriage or relationships or any sort of dealing with people will be easy, but when you make a commitment to someone it should mean something...otherwise, why are you doing it to begin with? I pray for people that will be an example to this generation of a family that stays together no matter what. That shows that even though it's not always easy, and there will be rough times, it IS possible to have a Godly, loving marriage where both people are loved and respected by each other. God, rebuild your family. Restore your children to a place where we can build each other up and support each other. Help us to honor one another and to realize that friendships, families, marriages....none of these things are disposable, but so very important.
Saturday, July 21, 2007
going public... I won't guarantee how often I'll update this, but I'm going public :) I'll try to post more often than not and may cheat by posting things from an old, old blog of mine....sooooooo...
Monday, June 25, 2007
You know how sometimes you listen to a sermon or a podcast or read a book and what is being said applies to you, but you feel like you're doing okay with whatever's being talked about. Like you've got whatever he's saying down already (as if!). So you listen and nod at the right moments and laugh at the silly stories that the preacher man is telling to draw a parallel to whatever gospel truth he's presenting at the time. And you're almost've almost made it through the whole thing and you've agreed with all that he's said and you're feeling pretty good about yourself and he's about to pray. And happens. That man, the one delivering God's truth to you at the moment...well, he rocks your world by saying "If you're not seeking the Kingdom first, then you're not seeking the Kingdom at all". And suddenly your "Godly" ego deflates, your I'm a Good Christian button loses it's gleam and your soul...your soul immediately cries out for forgiveness. Think about that and the simple truth that is in that statement. If you're not seeking the Kingdom first, then you can't be seeking it at all. More than likely (in my case for instance) it means that I'm seeking my own will and desires first, before God's. It basically means that I think of myself, my plans, and my own wants as more important than God's plans or desires for my life...and not just my life, but for the lives of the people that I interact with daily. If I'm truly seeking His Kingdom first, wouldn't I be a more loving, compassionate, generous person...caring less about what others think about me and being who God wants me to be no matter what? Wouldn't people notice more of a difference in me? Wouldn't they see a true representation of the people that God calls his church to be? That's my truly seek God's Kingdom first...not mine, not my culture's, but
God's...because if I'm not then what I do isn't really worth much of anything....
God's...because if I'm not then what I do isn't really worth much of anything....
Friday, June 22, 2007
Tonight I sat under a vast expanse of the night sky and looked at your creation. The stars seemed to be alive against their dark backdrop. The clouds slowly crept in. The sounds of this part of the world settling in for an evening of rest. I let my soul pick the song to was You are so Beautiful to Me. I actually began singing it when I stepped out of my car and looked up, and continued to have it in my head as I lay on the patio thinking of how amazing you are and how amazing the things you do are. I laid open my heart to you and in a place of contenment told you how wonderful I think you are. Holy, pure, just, loving, merciful Lord and friend. Creative and amazing...I will never cease to be fascinated by what you have created, by how you reveal yourself to me time and time nature, in your people, in my family and the friends that you have placed in my life...each telling a story of you. Of your design and passion and creativity. All I have to do is look closely enough to see it and I will.
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